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Distribution Future Energy Scenarios

The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) outline the range of credible futures for the growth of the distribution network, and represents the first step in the National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) investment planning process. More information can be found at National Grid - Distribution Future Energy Scenarios.

The yearly DFES publications can be viewed at National Grid - Distribution future energy scenarios regional information for each of NGED’s licence areas, and include review and methodology documents, as well as stakeholder engagement reports.

A visual representation of the scenarios is available in the form of an interactive map at National Grid - Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Map.

The data files below contain tabular data related to the latest DFES publication, comprising:

  • Load profiles for various technology types (DFES Profiles), including, for each year, the proportion of customers projected to be following either flexed or unabated profiles (DFES Profile Splits).

  • Annual energy consumption and generation for each Local Authority under each DFES Scenario, detailing the percentage of demand met by renewable distributed generation (DFES Energy Projections).

  • Season, time, and power (MW) of annual peak demand for each year, ESA and scenario (DFES Power Projections). This data can also be viewed on our DFES map.

  • Scaling factors applied to the profiles, to account for energy efficiency and changes in technology use over time (DFES Annual Scaling Data).

  • Projected volumes of each DFES technology, reported to Local Authority level (DFES Volume Projections by Local Authority). This data can also be viewed on our DFES map.

  • Projected volumes of each DFES technology, reported to an electricity supply area level (DFES Volume Projections by Electricity Supply Area). This data can also be viewed on our DFES map.

Data Files

Name Format Last Changed Download
DFES Profiles csv
2 months ago
DFES Profile Splits csv
2 months ago
DFES Energy Projections csv
2 months ago
DFES Power Projections csv
2 months ago
DFES Annual Scaling Data csv
2 months ago
DFES Volume Projections by Local Authority csv
2 months ago
DFES Volume Projections by Electricity Supply Area zip
2 months ago
Data Sharing Assessment pdf
2 months ago
Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Map
1 month ago

Additional Info

Field Value
Uploaded Date March 12, 2021, 13:02 (UTC)
Creator National Grid Electricity Distribution
Rights NGED Open Data Licence
Coverage All Regions
Contributor Digitalisation & Data
Identifier DFES
Publisher National Grid Electricity Distribution
Relation DFESESA
Language EN
Data Classification Open
Update Frequency Near Real Time

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