About Us

Welcome to National Grid's Connected Data Portal, your comprehensive source for real-time and historical data on the energy systems provided by National Grid. Our platform is dedicated to fostering transparency and accessibility in the energy sector.

Our Mission

At National Grid, we aim to empower users with detailed and accurate data on electricity distribution networks across the South West, South Wales and the Midlands. Our goal is to enhance understanding and support informed decision-making through the provision of accessible, high-quality data.

What We Offer

  • Real-Time Data: Access up-to-date information on electricity demand and generation
  • Historical Data: Explore extensive archives of historical data to analyse trends and patterns.
  • Interactive Tools: Utilise our interactive charts and graphs to easily visualise complex data.
  • Open Access: All our data is freely available, ensuring transparency and openness in the energy sector.

Who We Are

Open Data is a key initiative by National Grid, a leading electricity distribution network operator serving the Midlands, South West, and Wales. We deliver electricity to over 7.9 million customers and manage a service area of 55,500 square kilometers with the help of over 6,500 dedicated staff members.

Why Use the Connected Data Portal

  • Accuracy: Our data is sourced directly from National Grid, ensuring high accuracy and reliability.
  • User-Friendly: Our platform is designed to offer a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Support: We provide comprehensive support and resources to help you make the most of our data and tools.

Get Involved

We invite you to explore our platform, provide feedback, and engage with our data. Your insights and suggestions are invaluable in helping us improve and expand our services.

Together, we can enhance understanding and contribute to a more sustainable future for the UK's energy system.

Contact Us

For any enquiries or support, please contact us at nged.opendata@nationalgrid.co.uk.