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Data Dictionary

Title Type Label Description Example
POSTCODE text Postal code BA1 1AA
ROTA_LOAD_BLOCK text All connected customers are assigned a block letter corresponding to the relevant point of connection on the network. A block letter of V indicates that the site is on the Protected Sites List, or is protected from rota disconnection due to associated load. A
MPAS_ID numeric Distributor ID

Each distribution licence area is assigned a two-digit distributor ID, which forms part of the Meter Point Administrator Number (MPAN). For the licence areas that National Grid Electricity Distribution are responsible for, the following distributor IDs are assigned.

  • 11: East Midlands
  • 14: West Midlands
  • 21: South Wales
  • 22: South West
CUSTOMER_COUNT numeric The number of customers in the roa load block 56