Customer Survey Results
Dataset description:
When launched, Electric Nation was one of the world's largest home smart charging trials with nearly 700 EV owners taking part in the 18-month trial. Between them, our trial participants...
Source: Electric Nation
Data Dictionary
Title | Type | Label | Description | Example |
ENnumber | text | nan | text |
Order Number |
CC or GF | text | nan | text |
Greenflux or Crowd Charge |
questionnaire | numeric | nan | numeric |
questionnaires completed |
questionnaire1 | text | nan | text |
Questionnaire - RECRUITMENT |
questionnaire2 | text | nan | text |
Questionnaire - BASELINE |
questionnaire3 | text | nan | text |
Questionnaire - TRIAL 1 |
questionnaire4 | text | nan | text |
Questionnaire - TRIAL 2 |
questionnaire5 | text | nan | text |
Questionnaire - TRIAL 3 |
questionnaire6 | text | nan | text |
Questionnaire - FINAL SURVEY |
S_ENbatterysizekwh | numeric | kwh | numeric |
EN battery size (kwh) |
S_ENfueltype | text | nan | text |
EN fuel type |
S_ENVehiclemake | text | nan | text |
EN Vehicle make |
S_ENVehiclemodel | text | nan | text |
EN Vehicle model |
R_A7 | text | nan | text |
Does your household have regular access to any other vehicles apart from the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
R_A8 | text | nan | numeric |
How many other vehicles does your household have regular access to |
R_A9 | text | nan | text |
Are you the main driver of the electric or hybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
R_A10_1 | text | nan | text |
Apart from you, who else is likely to drive the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
R_A10_2 | text | nan | text |
Apart from you, who else is likely to drive the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
R_A10_3 | text | nan | text |
Apart from you, who else is likely to drive the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
R_A10_4 | text | nan | text |
Apart from you, who else is likely to drive the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
R_B1 | text | nan | text |
Gender |
R_B3 | text | nan | text |
Which of the following best describes your employment |
R_B4 | text | nan | text |
Is your work… |
R_B5 | numeric | nan | numeric |
How many membersorpeople (including children) are there in your household altogether (that is currently living at home with you) Please include yourself in the total |
R_B6 | numeric | nan | numeric |
How many children live permanently in your household |
R_B7 | text | nan | text |
Which ONE of the following categories best describes the employment status of the Chief Income Earner (CIE) in your household |
R_B8 | text | nan | text |
Which ONE of the following categories best describes the employment status of the Chief Income Earner before they retired |
R_B10 | text | nan | text |
Which of the following do you have in your main charging address |
R_B11 | text | nan | text |
Do have solar panels (photovoltaics) at your home address |
R_B13 | text | nan | text |
Which of the following best describes the area where you live |
R_B12A | text | pound sterling | numeric |
Per Month |
R_B12B | numeric | pound sterling | numeric |
Per Year |
R_B3_OTHER | text | nan | text |
b3_other |
R_C1 | text | nan | text |
Finally, have you experienced any technical difficulties while taking the survey |
R_C1_OTHER | text | nan | text |
c1_other |
R_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
Electric or hybrid |
R_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
Car Make |
R_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
Car Model |
R_QHIDAGE | text | age range | numeric |
R_QHIDDNOCODE | text | nan | text |
R_QHIDFUELPOV | text | nan | text |
R_SAMP_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
car electric or hybrid |
R_SAMP_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
car make |
R_SAMP_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
car model |
R_SAMP_CAR_DET_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
car battery size |
R_SEG | text | nan | text |
seg |
B_A2 | text | nan | text |
Does your household have regular access to any other vehicles apart from the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
B_A1_1 | text | nan | text |
Firstly, what do you use your electric vehicle for - Social |
B_A1_2 | text | nan | text |
Firstly, what do you use your electric vehicle for - Business |
B_A1_3 | text | nan | text |
Firstly, what do you use your electric vehicle for - Commuting |
B_A2AMAKE_1 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle make 1 |
B_A2AMAKE_2 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle make 2 |
B_A2AMAKE_3 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle make 3 |
B_A2AMAKE_4 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle make 4 |
B_A2AMODEL_1 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle model 1 |
B_A2AMODEL_2 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle model 2 |
B_A2AMODEL_3 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle model 3 |
B_A2AMODEL_4 | text | nan | text |
Vehicle model 4 |
B_A3_1 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Electric |
B_A3_2 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Range extended electric |
B_A3_3 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Plug in Hybrid |
B_A3_4 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Hybrid |
B_A3_5 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Petrol |
B_A3_6 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Diesel |
B_A3_7 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Other (please specify) |
B_A3OTH | text | nan | text |
A3OTH Other specify |
B_B3 | text | nan | text |
And, where do you charge your electric vehicle most often |
B_B8 | text | nan | numeric |
On a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 is completely unacceptable and 10 is completely acceptable, how acceptable are your current charging arrangements |
B_B9 | text | nan | numeric |
On a scale of 1 – 10, where 10 is very satisfied and 1 is very dissatisfied, how satisfied are you with your current charging arrangements |
B_B10 | text | nan | text |
Which statement best describes your attitude to changing your charging behaviour |
B_B11 | text | nan | text |
Why do you say that |
B_B12 | text | nan | text |
How do you feel about having your charging arrangements managed as part of the trial |
B_B13 | text | nan | text |
Why do you say that |
B_B1_1 | text | nan | text |
My charging behaviour varies considerably from day to day To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
B_B1_2 | text | nan | numeric |
My charging behaviour has a regular routine To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
B_B1_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Whenever I have access to a charger, I plug in, regardless of the level of charge of the vehicle To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
B_B1_4 | text | nan | numeric |
I will only plug in to charge when the battery is too low to complete my currentornext journey To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
B_B2_1 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle - Home |
B_B2_2 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -Service station (motorway) or Petrol station |
B_B2_3 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -On street charge point |
B_B2_4 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -Work |
B_B2_5 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -SupermarketorShopping centre car parks |
B_B2_6 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -Other Car parks (please specify) |
B_B2_7 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -Friendorrelative’s house |
B_B2_8 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -Other (please specify) |
B_B2_9 | text | nan | text |
Where do you charge your electric vehicle -Don’t know |
B_B2CP | text | nan | text |
B2CP Other car parks specify |
B_B2OTH | text | nan | text |
B2OTH Other specify |
B_B4_1 | text | nan | text |
Home How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_2 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_3 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_4 | text | nan | text |
Work How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_5 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_6 | text | nan | text |
How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_7 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B4_8 | text | nan | text |
How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
B_B5_1_1 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_1_2 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_1_3 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_1_4 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_1_5 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_2_1 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_2_2 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_2_3 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_2_4 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_2_5 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_3_1 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_3_2 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_3_3 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_3_4 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_3_5 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_4_1 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_4_2 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_4_3 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_4_4 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_4_5 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_5_1 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_5_2 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_5_3 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_5_4 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_5_5 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_6_1 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_6_2 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_6_3 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_6_4 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_6_5 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_7_1 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_7_2 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_7_3 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_7_4 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_7_5 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B5_8_1 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
B_B5_8_2 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
B_B5_8_3 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
B_B5_8_4 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
B_B5_8_5 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
B_B6_1 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Home Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_2 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_3 | numeric | nan | numeric |
On street charge point Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Work Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_5 | numeric | nan | numeric |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_6 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_7 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Friendorrelative’s house Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B6_8 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
B_B7A | text | nan | text |
How do you tend to judge when to charge your electric vehicle |
B_B7AOTH | text | nan | text |
B7AOTH Other specify |
B_B7B | text | nan | text |
At what point would you feel like you need to charge the battery of your electric vehicle |
B_B7BOTH | text | nan | text |
B7BOTH Other specify |
B_B7C | text | percentage | text |
At what point would you feel like you need to charge the battery of your electric vehicle |
B_B7COTH | text | percentage | text |
B7COTH Other specify |
B_B8OTH | text | nan | text |
B8OTH Don't know specify |
B_I4 | text | nan | text |
Is there anything you feel you need more information on regarding the project |
B_SAMP_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
car electric or hybrid - visible for testing purposes |
B_SAMP_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
car make - visible for testing purposes |
B_SAMP_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
car model - visible for testing purposes |
B_SAMP_CAR_DET_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
car baterry size - visible for testing purposes |
t1_A4 | text | nan | text |
A4. Since we last spoke, this could be the baseline survey OR another trial survey, do any other plug-in vehicles, not previously registered on the trial, now have access to your home charge point |
t1_A5 | text | nan | text |
A5. How frequently does this vehicle use your home charge point |
t1_A2AMAKE_1 | text | nan | text |
1 Vehicle - Make: |
t1_A2AMAKE_2 | text | nan | text |
2 Vehicle - Make: |
t1_A2AMAKE_3 | text | nan | text |
3 Vehicle - Make: |
t1_A2AMAKE_4 | text | nan | text |
4 Vehicle - Make: |
t1_A2AMODEL_1 | text | nan | text |
1 Model: |
t1_A2AMODEL_2 | text | nan | text |
2 Model: |
t1_A2AMODEL_3 | text | nan | text |
3 Model: |
t1_A2AMODEL_4 | text | nan | text |
4 Model: |
t1_A3_1 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Electric |
t1_A3_2 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Range extended electric |
t1_A3_3 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Plug in Hybrid |
t1_A3_4 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Hybrid |
t1_A3_5 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Petrol |
t1_A3_6 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Diesel |
t1_A3_7 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Other (please specify) |
t1_A3OTH | text | nan | text |
A3OTH Other specify |
t1_B3 | text | nan | text |
And, where do you charge your electric vehicle most often |
t1_B8 | text | nan | text |
On a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 is completely unacceptable and 10 is completely acceptable, how acceptable are your current charging arrangements |
t1_B9 | text | nan | text |
On a scale of 1 – 10, where 10 is very satisfied and 1 is very dissatisfied, how satisfied are you with your current charging arrangements |
t1_B11 | text | nan | text |
Why do you say that |
t1_B12 | text | nan | text |
How do you feel about having your charging arrangements managed as part of the trial |
t1_B13 | text | nan | text |
Why do you say that |
t1_B14 | text | nan | text |
Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience of being part of the Electric Nation project so far that hasn’t already been covered in this interview |
t1_B1_1 | text | nan | text |
My charging behaviour varies considerably from day to day To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t1_B1_2 | text | nan | numeric |
My charging behaviour has a regular routine To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t1_B1_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Whenever I have access to a charger, I plug in, regardless of the level of charge of the vehicle To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t1_B1_4 | text | nan | numeric |
I will only plug in to charge when the battery is too low to complete my currentornext journey To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t1_B1COTH | text | nan | text |
B1cOTH. Other |
t1_B1D | text | nan | text |
B1d. How has the frequency with which you charge changed |
t1_B1E | text | nan | text |
Why have your charging arrangements changed |
t1_B1EOTH | text | nan | text |
B1eOTH. Other |
t1_B2CP | text | nan | text |
B2CP Other car parks specify |
t1_B2OTH | text | nan | text |
B2OTH Other specify |
t1_B4_1 | text | nan | text |
Home How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_2 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_3 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_4 | text | nan | text |
Work How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_5 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_6 | text | nan | text |
How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_7 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B4_8 | text | nan | text |
How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t1_B5_1_1 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_1_2 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_1_3 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_1_4 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_1_5 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_2_1 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_2_2 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_2_3 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_2_4 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_2_5 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_3_1 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_3_2 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_3_3 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_3_4 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_3_5 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_4_1 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_4_2 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_4_3 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_4_4 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_4_5 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_5_1 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_5_2 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_5_3 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_5_4 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_5_5 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_6_1 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_6_2 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_6_3 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_6_4 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_6_5 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_7_1 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_7_2 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_7_3 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_7_4 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_7_5 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B5_8_1 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t1_B5_8_2 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t1_B5_8_3 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t1_B5_8_4 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t1_B5_8_5 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t1_B6_1 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Home Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_2 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_3 | numeric | nan | numeric |
On street charge point Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Work Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_5 | numeric | nan | numeric |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_6 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_7 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Friendorrelative’s house Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B6_8 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion Please state your answer in hours. |
t1_B7AOTH | text | nan | text |
B7AOTH Other specify |
t1_B7B | text | nan | text |
At what point would you feel like you need to charge the battery of your electric vehicle |
t1_B7BOTH | text | nan | text |
B7BOTH Other specify |
t1_B7COTH | text | nan | numeric |
B7COTH Other specify |
t1_B8OTH | text | nan | text |
B8OTH Don't know specify |
t1_RA2A | numeric | nan | numeric |
How many other vehicles does your household have regular access to apart from the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
t1_SAMP_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
car electric or hybrid - visible for testing purposes |
t1_SAMP_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
car make - visible for testing purposes |
t1_SAMP_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
car model - visible for testing purposes |
t1_SAMP_CAR_DET_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
car baterry size - visible for testing purposes |
t2_A4 | text | nan | text |
Since we last spoke, this could be the baseline survey OR another trial survey, do any other plug-in vehicles, not previously registered on the trial, now have access to your home charge point |
t2_A5 | text | nan | text |
How frequently does this vehicle use your home charge point |
t2_A2AMAKE_1 | text | nan | text |
1 Vehicle - Make: |
t2_A2AMAKE_2 | text | nan | text |
2 Vehicle - Make: |
t2_A2AMAKE_3 | text | nan | text |
3 Vehicle - Make: |
t2_A2AMAKE_4 | text | nan | text |
4 Vehicle - Make: |
t2_A2AMODEL_1 | text | nan | text |
1 Model: |
t2_A2AMODEL_2 | text | nan | text |
2 Model: |
t2_A2AMODEL_3 | text | nan | text |
3 Model: |
t2_A2AMODEL_4 | text | nan | text |
4 Model: |
t2_A3_1 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Electric |
t2_A3_2 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Range extended electric |
t2_A3_3 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Plug in Hybrid |
t2_A3_4 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Hybrid |
t2_A3_5 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Petrol |
t2_A3_6 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Diesel |
t2_A3_7 | text | nan | text |
Is your other vehicle… - Other (please specify) |
t2_A3OTH | text | nan | nan |
A3OTH Other specify |
t2_APPTYPE | text | nan | text |
AppType - visible for testing |
t2_B3 | text | nan | text |
And, where do you charge your electric vehicle most often |
t2_B8 | text | nan | text |
On a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 is completely unacceptable and 10 is completely acceptable, how acceptable are your current charging arrangements |
t2_B9 | text | nan | text |
On a scale of 1 – 10, where 10 is very satisfied and 1 is very dissatisfied, how satisfied are you with your current charging arrangements |
t2_B11 | text | nan | text |
Why do you say that |
t2_B12 | text | nan | text |
How do you feel about having your charging arrangements managed as part of the trial |
t2_B13 | text | nan | text |
Why do you say that |
t2_B14 | text | nan | text |
Are you aware that you can access an app to interact with your smart charging system |
t2_B16 | text | nan | text |
Why have you not used the app |
t2_B19 | text | nan | text |
Can you explain why you use the app |
t2_B20 | text | nan | text |
Are there any other functions that you expected to see on the app |
t2_B21 | text | nan | text |
How likely are you to use the app going forward |
t2_B22 | text | nan | text |
To what extent does the app alleviate your concerns about managed charging |
t2_B23 | text | nan | text |
How easy do you find using the app |
t2_B24 | text | nan | text |
Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience of being part of the Electric Nation project so far that hasn’t already been covered in this interview |
t2_B1_1 | text | nan | text |
My charging behaviour varies considerably from day to day To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t2_B1_2 | text | nan | numeric |
My charging behaviour has a regular routine To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t2_B1_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Whenever I have access to a charger, I plug in, regardless of the level of charge of the vehicle To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t2_B1_4 | text | nan | numeric |
I will only plug in to charge when the battery is too low to complete my currentornext journey To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
t2_B17A | text | nan | text |
Are you aware that you can use the app to request high priority charging |
t2_B17B | text | nan | text |
What were your reasons for requesting high priority charging |
t2_B1COTH | text | nan | text |
B1cOTH. Other |
t2_B1D | text | nan | text |
How has the frequency with which you charge changed |
t2_B1E | text | nan | text |
Why have your charging arrangements changed |
t2_B1EOTH | text | nan | text |
B1eOTH. Other |
t2_B2CP | text | nan | text |
B2CP Other car parks specify |
t2_B2OTH | text | nan | text |
B2OTH Other specify |
t2_B4_1 | text | nan | text |
Home How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_2 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_3 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_4 | text | nan | text |
Work How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_5 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_6 | text | nan | text |
How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_7 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B4_8 | text | nan | text |
How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations |
t2_B5_1_1 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_1_2 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_1_3 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_1_4 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_1_5 | text | nan | text |
Home When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_2_1 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_2_2 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_2_3 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_2_4 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_2_5 | text | nan | text |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_3_1 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_3_2 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_3_3 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_3_4 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_3_5 | text | nan | text |
On street charge point When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_4_1 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_4_2 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_4_3 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_4_4 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_4_5 | text | nan | text |
Work When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_5_1 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_5_2 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_5_3 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_5_4 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_5_5 | text | nan | text |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_6_1 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_6_2 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_6_3 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_6_4 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_6_5 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_7_1 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_7_2 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_7_3 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_7_4 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_7_5 | text | nan | text |
Friendorrelative’s house When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B5_8_1 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Morning |
t2_B5_8_2 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Afternoon |
t2_B5_8_3 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Evening |
t2_B5_8_4 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Overnight |
t2_B5_8_5 | text | nan | text |
When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-I don’t have a standardised charging routine |
t2_B6_1 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Home Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_2 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Service station (motorway) or Petrol station Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_3 | numeric | nan | numeric |
On street charge point Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Work Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_5 | numeric | nan | numeric |
SupermarketorShopping centre car parks Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_6 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_7 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Friendorrelative’s house Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B6_8 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Thinking about when you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations, how long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion |
t2_B7A | text | nan | text |
How do you tend to judge when to charge your electric vehicle |
t2_B7AOTH | text | nan | text |
B7AOTH Other specify |
t2_B7B | text | nan | text |
At what point would you feel like you need to charge the battery of your electric vehicle |
t2_B7BOTH | text | nan | text |
B7BOTH Other specify |
t2_B7C | text | percentage | text |
At what point would you feel like you need to charge the battery of your electric vehicle |
t2_B7COTH | text | nan | text |
B7COTH Other specify |
t2_B8OTH | text | nan | text |
B8OTH Don't know specify |
t2_RA2A | numeric | nan | numeric |
How many other vehicles does your household have regular access to apart from the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
t2_SAMP_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
car electric or hybrid - visible for testing purposes |
t2_SAMP_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
car make - visible for testing purposes |
t2_SAMP_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
car model - visible for testing purposes |
t2_SAMP_CAR_DET_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
car battery size - visible for testing purposes |
t3_A4 | text | nan | text |
A4. Since we last spoke do any other plug-in vehicles, not previously registered on the trial, now have access to your home charge point |
t3_A5 | text | nan | text |
A5. How frequently does this vehicle use your home charge point |
t3_A2A | numeric | nan | numeric |
A2a. How many other vehicles does your household have regular access to apart from the electricorhybrid vehicle registered for this trial |
t3_A2AMAKE_1 | text | nan | text |
A2aMAKE-1 |
t3_A2AMAKE_2 | text | nan | text |
A2aMAKE-2 |
t3_A2AMAKE_3 | text | nan | text |
A2aMAKE-3 |
t3_A2AMAKE_4 | text | nan | text |
A2aMAKE-4 |
t3_A2AMODEL_1 | text | nan | text |
A2aMODEL-1 |
t3_A2AMODEL_2 | text | nan | text |
A2aMODEL-2 |
t3_A2AMODEL_3 | text | nan | text |
A2aMODEL-3 |
t3_A2AMODEL_4 | text | nan | text |
A2aMODEL-4 |
t3_A3_1 | text | nan | text |
A3. Is your other vehicle(s)… 1 |
t3_A3_2 | text | nan | text |
A3. Is your other vehicle(s)… 2 |
t3_A3_3 | text | nan | text |
A3. Is your other vehicle(s)… 3 |
t3_A3_4 | text | nan | text |
A3. Is your other vehicle(s)… 4 |
t3_B3 | text | nan | text |
B3. And, where do you charge your electric vehicle most often |
t3_B8 | text | nan | numeric |
B8. How acceptable are your current charging arrangements |
t3_B9 | text | nan | numeric |
B9. How satisfied are you with your current charging arrangements |
t3_B11 | text | nan | text |
B11. Why do you say that |
t3_B12 | text | nan | text |
B12. How do you feel about having your charging arrangements managed as part of the trial |
t3_B13 | text | nan | text |
B13. Why do you say that |
t3_B14 | text | nan | text |
B14. Are you aware that you can access an app to interact with your smart charging system |
t3_B16 | text | nan | text |
B16. Why have you not used [CC questionnaire-the new version of] the app |
t3_B21 | text | nan | text |
B21. If there was a similar schemeorapp available to you in the future, how likely would you be to use it |
t3_B24 | text | nan | text |
B24. Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience of being part of the Electric Nation project so far that hasn't already been covered in this interview |
t3_B27 | text | nan | text |
B27. Have you changed charging preference |
t3_B28 | text | nan | text |
B28. How easy to understand is the charging preference reward structure [CC-the reward structure based on the app time of use tariff] |
t3_B29 | text | nan | text |
B29. Are there any other functions that you expected to see on the app |
t3_B30 | text | nan | text |
B30. To what extent do you think the charging preference [CC-the Time of Use tariff incorporated in the app] will encourage EV drivers to charge their cars outside of peak times |
t3_B34 | text | nan | text |
B34. Have you changed your charging behaviour because of the Time of Use tariff offered through the app |
t3_B36 | text | nan | text |
B36. As a result of the Time of Use tariff offered through the app, have you changed your journey pattern(s) |
t3_B37 | text | nan | text |
B37. As a result of the updated app, has your vehicle had sufficient charge to make journeys at your planned departure times |
t3_B1_1 | text | nan | text |
B1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement.-My charging behaviour varies considerably from day to day |
t3_B1_2 | text | nan | numeric |
B1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement.-My charging behaviour has a regular routine |
t3_B1_3 | text | nan | numeric |
B1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement.-Whenever I have access to a charger |
t3_B1_4 | text | nan | numeric |
B1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement.-I will only plug in to charge when the battery is too low |
t3_B14B | text | nan | text |
B14b. During 2018, did you register for the Crowd Charge app |
t3_B14C | text | nan | text |
B14c. Why didn't you register for the app |
t3_B15A_SPECIFY | text | nan | text |
B15a. Specify |
t3_B16A | text | nan | text |
B16a. Did you know that by not accessing the app, you are on the default 'optimise time' profile |
t3_B1COTH | text | nan | text |
B1c. Other |
t3_B1D | text | nan | text |
B1d. How has the frequency with which you charge changed |
t3_B1E_1 | text | nan | text |
B1e. Why have your charging arrangements changed-Change in lifestyle |
t3_B1E_2 | text | nan | text |
B1e. Why have your charging arrangements changed-Changes in household status e.g. presence of children |
t3_B1E_3 | text | nan | text |
B1e. Why have your charging arrangements changed-Change in jobor hours |
t3_B1E_4 | text | nan | text |
B1e. Why have your charging arrangements changed-Change in job location |
t3_B1E_5 | text | nan | text |
B1e. Why have your charging arrangements changed-Smart charging |
t3_B1E_6 | text | nan | text |
B1e. Why have your charging arrangements changed-Other reason |
t3_B1EOTH | text | nan | text |
B1e. Other |
t3_B26a_SPECIFY_1 | text | nan | text |
B26a. Please tell us what problems you have had-Minimise Cost – restricting the charging to between 10pm and 4.30pm |
t3_B26a_SPECIFY_2 | text | nan | text |
B26a. Please tell us what problems you have had-Optimise Time & Cost – avoiding charge at peak times but charging can occur between 7pm and 10pm |
t3_B26a_SPECIFY_3 | text | nan | text |
B26a. Please tell us what problems you have had-Optimise Time – charging all times of the day regardless of the price |
t3_B26B_SPECIFY | text | nan | text |
B26a. Specify |
t3_B27AOTH | text | nan | text |
B27A. Other |
t3_B2CP | text | nan | text |
B2. Specify other car parks |
t3_B2OTH | text | nan | text |
B2. Other |
t3_B31A_1 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Ability to review previous charging history – energy usage |
t3_B31A_2 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Ability to review when you were plugged in and unplugged |
t3_B31A_3 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Reward balance |
t3_B31A_4 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Recent transactions |
t3_B31A1_1 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Chargerpoint usage |
t3_B31A1_2 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-My Journeys |
t3_B31A1_3 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-My Calendar |
t3_B31A1_4 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-New Journey |
t3_B31A1_5 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Set Range |
t3_B31A1_6 | text | nan | text |
B31a. How useful do you find the feature(s) you have used-Reward balance |
t3_B31B | text | nan | text |
B31b. How can the feature(s) be improved |
t3_B32B_SPECIFY | text | nan | text |
B32b. Specify |
t3_B33_1 | text | nan | text |
B33. How often do you use the feature [Chargerpoint usage] in the app |
t3_B33_2 | text | nan | text |
B33. How often do you use the feature [My Journeys] in the app |
t3_B33_3 | text | nan | text |
B33. How often do you use the feature [My Calendar] in the app |
t3_B33_4 | text | nan | text |
B33. How often do you use the feature [New Journey] in the app |
t3_B33_5 | text | nan | text |
B33. How often do you use the feature [Set Range] in the app |
t3_B33_6 | text | nan | text |
B33. How often do you use the feature [Reward balance] in the app |
t3_B34B | text | nan | text |
B34b. How have you changed your charging behaviour |
t3_B35_1 | text | nan | text |
B35. Which of the following features have you used on the app-Chargerpoint usage – breakdown of energy usageorcost by monthorday |
t3_B35_3 | text | nan | text |
B35. Which of the following features have you used on the app-My Calendar – breakdown of user entered journeys by day, week, month |
t3_B35_4 | text | nan | text |
B35. Which of the following features have you used on the app-New Journey – input a new journey into 'daily grind', 'weeklyorregulars' or 'occasionals' |
t3_B35_5 | text | nan | text |
B35. Which of the following features have you used on the app-Set Range – enter the current state of charge of your vehicle's battery |
t3_B35_6 | text | nan | text |
B35. Which of the following features have you used on the app-Reward balance – View your balance based on when you are charging |
t3_B35_7 | text | nan | text |
B35. Which of the following features have you used on the app-None of the above |
t3_B36B | text | nan | text |
B36b. Can you describe how you have changed your journey pattern(s) |
t3_B4_1 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-Home |
t3_B4_2 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station |
t3_B4_3 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-On street charge point |
t3_B4_4 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-Work |
t3_B4_5 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks |
t3_B4_6 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-Other car parks |
t3_B4_7 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-Friendorrelative's house |
t3_B4_8 | text | nan | text |
B4. How often do you charge your electric vehicle in the following locations-Other for B2 |
t3_B5_1_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Home-Morning |
t3_B5_1_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Home-Afternoon |
t3_B5_1_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Home-Evening |
t3_B5_1_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Home-Overnight |
t3_B5_1_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Home-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_2_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station-Morning |
t3_B5_2_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station-Afternoon |
t3_B5_2_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station-Evening |
t3_B5_2_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station-Overnight |
t3_B5_2_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_3_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-On street charge point-Morning |
t3_B5_3_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-On street charge point-Afternoon |
t3_B5_3_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-On street charge point-Evening |
t3_B5_3_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-On street charge point-Overnight |
t3_B5_3_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-On street charge point-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_4_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Work -Morning |
t3_B5_4_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Work -Afternoon |
t3_B5_4_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Work -Evening |
t3_B5_4_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Work -Overnight |
t3_B5_4_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Work -I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_5_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks-Morning |
t3_B5_5_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks-Afternoon |
t3_B5_5_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks-Evening |
t3_B5_5_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks-Overnight |
t3_B5_5_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_6_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other car parks-Morning |
t3_B5_6_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other car parks-Afternoon |
t3_B5_6_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other car parks-Evening |
t3_B5_6_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other car parks-Overnight |
t3_B5_6_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other car parks-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_7_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Friendorrelative's house-Morning |
t3_B5_7_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Friendorrelative's house-Afternoon |
t3_B5_7_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Friendorrelative's house-Evening |
t3_B5_7_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Friendorrelative's house-Overnight |
t3_B5_7_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Friendorrelative's house-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B5_8_1 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other for B2-Morning |
t3_B5_8_2 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other for B2-Afternoon |
t3_B5_8_3 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other for B2-Evening |
t3_B5_8_4 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other for B2-Overnight |
t3_B5_8_5 | text | nan | text |
B5. When do you typically charge your electric vehicle at the following locations-Other for B2-I don't have a standardised charging routine |
t3_B6_1 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-Home |
t3_B6_2 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-Service station (motorway)orPetrol station |
t3_B6_3 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-On street charge point |
t3_B6_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-Work |
t3_B6_5 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-SupermarketorShopping centre car parks |
t3_B6_6 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-Other car parks |
t3_B6_7 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-Friendorrelative's house |
t3_B6_8 | numeric | nan | numeric |
B6. How long do you charge your electric vehicle for on each occasion-Other for B2 |
t3_B7AOTH | text | nan | text |
B7a. Other |
t3_B7B | text | nan | text |
B7b. At what point would you feel like you need to charge the battery of your electric vehicle |
t3_B7BOTH | text | nan | text |
B7b. Other |
t3_B7COTH | text | percentage | text |
B7c. Other |
t3_B8OTH | text | nan | nan |
B8. Specify |
t3_SAMP_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
Car electric or hybrid |
t3_SAMP_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
Car make |
t3_SAMP_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
Car model |
t3_SAMP_CAR_DET_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Car baterry size |
FS_Q1 | text | nan | text |
Q1. When did you purchaseorlease your first electricorhybrid vehicle |
FS_Q2 | text | nan | text |
Q2. Which of the following statements describes you best |
FS_Q3 | text | nan | text |
Q3. Which of the following statements describes the vehicle which is registered as part of the Electric Nation project |
FS_Q5 | text | nan | text |
Q5. Does anyone else in your household drive the electric car registered as part of the Electric Nation trial |
FS_Q6 | text | nan | text |
Q6. Comparing your electric vehicle usage to in your household’s car use, which statement is most accurate |
FS_Q8 | text | nan | text |
Q8. Would you agree with the statement that your views of your charging arrangements are the same as those in your household |
FS_Q9 | text | nan | text |
Q9. How do your views differ to those in your household |
FS_Q10 | text | nan | text |
Q10. Do you feel that their attitude towards electric vehicles have changed throughout the time you have been on the Electric Nation trial |
FS_Q14 | text | nan | text |
Q14. Which charging solution did you prefer |
FS_Q19 | text | nan | text |
Q19. How acceptable have you found your charging arrangements overall, including when you are away from home |
FS_Q20 | text | nan | text |
Q20. Why do you say that |
FS_Q21 | text | nan | text |
Q21. How satisfied are you with your current charging arrangements at home |
FS_Q22 | text | nan | text |
Q22. Why do you say that |
FS_Q24 | text | nan | numeric |
Q24. If smart charging systems were offered which might reward you for helping to protect the electricity network how likely would you be to sign up to this |
FS_Q25 | text | nan | text |
Q25. Is there anything else that you would like to share about your experience of being part of the Electric Nation project |
FS_Q11_1 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Media coverage |
FS_Q11_2 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Your personal use of the electric vehicle |
FS_Q11_3 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Relativesorfriends views on EVs |
FS_Q11_4 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Car manufacturing advertisement |
FS_Q11_5 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Celebrity advocacy |
FS_Q11_6 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Word of mouth |
FS_Q11_7 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-Other (please specify) |
FS_Q11_8 | text | nan | text |
Q11. Do you feel their views on electric vehicles are influenced by any of the following...-None of the above |
FS_Q11_OTHER | text | nan | text |
Q11. Other |
FS_Q11A | text | nan | text |
Q11a.Which fuel type are you most likely to choose |
FS_Q11A_OTHER | text | nan | text |
Q11a. Other |
FS_Q12_1 | text | nan | text |
Q12. How likely is it that your behaviour will change in the following ways when compared to your initial charging behaviour - I will charge less often |
FS_Q12_2 | text | nan | numeric |
Q12. How likely is it that your behaviour will change in the following ways when compared to your initial charging behaviour - I will charge at different times of the day |
FS_Q12_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Q12. How likely is it that your behaviour will change in the following ways when compared to your initial charging behaviour - I will charge at my house more often |
FS_Q12_4 | text | nan | numeric |
Q12. How likely is it that your behaviour will change in the following ways when compared to your initial charging behaviour - I will charge away from my house more often |
FS_Q12_5 | text | nan | numeric |
Q12. How likely is it that your behaviour will change in the following ways when compared to your initial charging behaviour - I will charge my car for shorter durations |
FS_Q12_6 | text | nan | numeric |
Q12. How likely is it that your behaviour will change in the following ways when compared to your initial charging behaviour - I will continue with my current pattern of charging (that was established by the end of the trials) |
FS_Q13_1 | text | nan | text |
Q13. Which trial(s) do you believe you were a part of-Trial 1 – demand management |
FS_Q13_2 | text | nan | text |
Q13. Which trial(s) do you believe you were a part of-Trial 2 – priority charging app |
FS_Q13_3 | text | nan | text |
Q13. Which trial(s) do you believe you were a part of-Trial 3 – time of use tariffs |
FS_Q13_4 | text | nan | text |
Q13. Which trial(s) do you believe you were a part of-None |
FS_Q13_5 | text | nan | text |
Q13. Which trial(s) do you believe you were a part of-Don’t know |
FS_Q15_1 | text | nan | numeric |
Q15. How likely are you to adopt this charging solution if it becomes available in the future - Trial 1 – demand management |
FS_Q15_2 | text | nan | numeric |
Q15. How likely are you to adopt this charging solution if it becomes available in the future - Trial 2 – priority charging app |
FS_Q15_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Q15. How likely are you to adopt this charging solution if it becomes available in the future - Trial 3 – time of use tariffs |
FS_Q15_4 | text | nan | nan |
Q15. How likely are you to adopt this charging solution if it becomes available in the future - None |
FS_Q15_5 | text | nan | nan |
Q15. How likely are you to adopt this charging solution if it becomes available in the future - Don’t know |
FS_Q16_1 | text | nan | text |
Q16. Why do you say that - Trial 1 – demand management |
FS_Q16_2 | text | nan | text |
Q16. Why do you say that - Trial 2 – priority charging app |
FS_Q16_3 | text | nan | text |
Q16. Why do you say that - Trial 3 – time of use tariffs |
FS_Q16_4 | text | nan | nan |
Q16. Why do you say that - None |
FS_Q16_5 | text | nan | nan |
Q16. Why do you say that - Don’t know |
FS_Q17A | text | nan | text |
Q17a. What type of energy tariff are you currently on with your electricity supplier |
FS_Q17A_OTHER | text | nan | text |
Q17a. Other |
FS_Q17B | text | nan | text |
Q17b. Have you changed the type of electricity tariff you are on with your electricity supplier |
FS_Q17C | text | nan | text |
Q17c. What type of tariff have you changed to |
FS_Q17C_OTHER | text | nan | text |
Q17c. Other |
FS_Q17D_1 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Standard tariff |
FS_Q17D_2 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Fixed price deal |
FS_Q17D_3 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Economy 7 or Economy 10 |
FS_Q17D_4 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Specific EV tariff |
FS_Q17D_5 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Other time of use tariff |
FS_Q17D_6 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Other (please specify) |
FS_Q17D_7 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Don’t know |
FS_Q17D_8 | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Which type of tariff are you considering changing to-Rather not say |
FS_Q17D_OTHER | text | nan | text |
Q17d. Other |
FS_Q18_1 | text | nan | text |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - I am confident I have enough charge between charging stations |
FS_Q18_2 | text | nan | numeric |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - I charge an electric vehicle outside of peak times (i.e. morning and evening) more than I did before I took part in this project |
FS_Q18_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - I generally charge my electric vehicle less than I did before I took part in this project |
FS_Q18_4 | text | nan | text |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - I would be confident making long distance (c. 150+ miles) journeys in my electric vehicle |
FS_Q18_5 | text | nan | numeric |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - Having an app to monitor my charging is useful |
FS_Q18_6 | text | nan | text |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - There are enough charge-point locations around my area |
FS_Q18_7 | text | nan | text |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - There are enough high-speed rapid chargers in my area |
FS_Q18_8 | text | nan | text |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - Most of the charging locations have fully functional chargers |
FS_Q18_9 | text | nan | text |
Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements - I charge more at home than anywhere else |
FS_Q23_1 | text | nan | numeric |
Q23. On a scale of 1 – 10, would you recommend - Trial 1 - Demand management as a solution for peak demand |
FS_Q23_2 | text | nan | numeric |
Q23. On a scale of 1 – 10, would you recommend - Trial 2 - Priority charging app as a solution for peak demand |
FS_Q23_3 | text | nan | numeric |
Q23. On a scale of 1 – 10, would you recommend - Trial 3 - Time of use tariffs as a solution for peak demand |
FS_Q2B_1 | text | nan | text |
Q2b. What were your motivations toward buyingorleasing your first EV-Lower costs of running an EV |
FS_Q2B_2 | text | nan | text |
Q2b. What were your motivations toward buyingorleasing your first EV-Environmental benefits |
FS_Q2B_3 | text | nan | text |
Q2b. What were your motivations toward buyingorleasing your first EV-Trying out the latest technology |
FS_Q2B_4 | text | nan | text |
Q2b. What were your motivations toward buyingorleasing your first EV-Seeking an easierorsmoother drive |
FS_Q2B_5 | text | nan | text |
Q2b. What were your motivations toward buyingorleasing your first EV-It was offered to me through a company scheme |
FS_Q2B_6 | text | nan | text |
Q2b. What were your motivations toward buyingorleasing your first EV-Other (please specify) |
FS_Q2B_SPECIFY | text | nan | text |
Q2b. Specify |
FS_Q3A | text | nan | text |
Q3a. Have you bought another electric vehicle during your time in the study |
FS_Q3A_MAKE | text | nan | text |
Q3a. Make |
FS_Q3A_MODEL | text | nan | text |
Q3a. Model |
FS_Q3B_MONTH | text | nan | text |
Q3b. When did you buy your EV - Month |
FS_Q3B_YEAR | numeric | YYYY | timestamp |
Q3b. When did you buy your EV - Year |
FS_Q3C | text | nan | text |
Q3C. Is this a replacement for the EV you initially registered on the project |
FS_Q4_NEW | text | nan | text |
Q4. In a typical week, how many miles do you drive in your electric vehicle |
FS_Q7_1 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-New child |
FS_Q7_2 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-Marriage |
FS_Q7_3 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-Retirement |
FS_Q7_4 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-House move |
FS_Q7_5 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-Change in jobs |
FS_Q7_6 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-Other (please specify) |
FS_Q7_7 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-I had no major life changes |
FS_Q7_8 | text | nan | text |
Q7. Thinking about your time on the Electric Nation project, have you had any major life changes that have affected your use of the EV-I had no major life changes |
FS_SAMP_CAR_DET_1 | text | nan | text |
Car electric or hybrid |
FS_SAMP_CAR_DET_2 | text | nan | text |
Car make |
FS_SAMP_CAR_DET_3 | text | nan | text |
Car model |
FS_SAMP_CAR_DET_4 | numeric | nan | numeric |
Car baterry size |
FS_TRIALSCOMPLETED_1 | text | nan | text |
TrialsCompleted-Trial 1 |
FS_TRIALSCOMPLETED_2 | text | nan | text |
TrialsCompleted-Trial 2 |
FS_TRIALSCOMPLETED_3 | text | nan | text |
TrialsCompleted-Trial 3 |
FS_TRIALSIMPORT | numeric | nan | numeric |
TrialsImport |